Funnel Hacker’s Cookbook Review: Is It Worth Buying?

Funnel Hacker Cookbook Review - Ultimate Guide To Building A Funnel

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Funnel Hacker's Cookbook illustrates funnel frameworks and explains how Clickfunnels' page builder works. By the way, you can turn any ideas into reality, design beautiful landing pages, and build a high-converting sales funnel.


  • Show you all the elements and pages necessary to build a funnel.
  • Put it on your desk when you create sales funnels that can help your work be simpler and faster.
  • All core funnel types that you need.
  • Step–by–step guide to making building your sales funnel easier.
  • Give you all the ingredients you need to be a successful funnel.
  • You can download it for free.


  • Funnel Hacker's cookbook was designed for Clickfunnels users.
  • Shipping cost for a physical copy is quite expensive ($19,95 in the US and $38.85 internationally)

Are you looking for an in-depth Funnel Hacker's Cookbook review? You want to understand what the book talks about and how to use it in your business or know everything behind it.

You’re in the right place!

Even the Funnel Hacker’s Cookbook has helped many entrepreneurs understand what type of funnel to build in what kind of situation, what funnel pages, what order, what sequences…

However, this book is not for everyone.

Is the Funnel Hacker's Cookbook Worth Buying?

It depends. The Funnel Hacker's Cookbook provides valuable insights into building effective sales funnels, but it might not be the perfect solution for everyone.

This cookbook is the perfect companion to the ClickFunnels software. Inside, you'll find detailed instructions and strategies tailored for ClickFunnels users. Learn how to build landing pages, optimize your sales process, implement email automation, and leverage other powerful ClickFunnels features with the cookbook's guidance.

What I love about the Funnel Hacker's Cookbook:

  • Step-by-step guidance: It breaks down the complexities of sales funnels into easy-to-follow instructions. Think of it as your personal marketing recipe book.
  • Proven templates: I didn't have to start from scratch; the Cookbook has road-tested funnel templates that streamline the creation process.
  • Focus on ClickFunnels: If you're a ClickFunnels user, this book is custom-made to maximize the software's features.

Potential drawbacks you should consider:

  • Learning curve: Expect to invest time and effort to fully grasp and implement the strategies successfully.
  • Not fully customizable: You might face challenges adapting the templates and techniques to your niche and business model.
  • Best for ClickFunnels users: If you're not using ClickFunnels, the value of the Cookbook decreases.

The Funnel Hacker's Cookbook is a tremendous asset for anyone looking to boost their marketing and sales funnel know-how, particularly those using ClickFunnels. It offers a structured approach and proven methods, but be prepared to put in some work for maximum results.

What Is Funnel Hacker's Cookbook?

funnel hacker cookbook

Consider the Funnel Hacker's Cookbook your blueprint for building high-converting sales funnels. Think of it as the essential instruction manual with three key sections:

  • Elements: These are the individual building blocks of your funnels—persuasive headlines, attention-grabbing videos, forms that capture leads, and more.
  • Pages: Pre-designed templates for every customer journey stage, from lead capture pages to compelling sales pages.
  • Funnels: Master plans covering various business needs, such as generating leads, driving sales, hosting webinars, etc.

When building my funnels, I always keep the book on my desk so I never stare at a blank screen again!

Important Note: The Funnel Hacker's Cookbook won't teach you the psychology behind effective funnels or overall marketing strategy. You'll want to pair that deep dive with resources like Dotcom Secrets and Expert Secrets.

📰 Read more: The 10 Best Russell Brunson books (My Top 3 Picks)

Clickfunnels Funnel Hacker's Cookbook Review: Take A Look Inside

Funnels hacker cookbook review 3
A funnel has a series of pages; a funnel page contains many elements

As with any cookbook, it’s important to understand its layout. The Funnel Hacker’s Cookbook is divided into three main sections:

  1. Elements: Provide a step-by-step guide to selecting and explaining funnel elements
  2. Pages: Guiding you through the design of funnel pages
  3. Funnels: Helping you construct full sales funnels

This systematic approach ensures that you understand each component and how they fit together to create successful sales funnels.

To make the process easier, the book includes visual aids like images and wireframe views alongside the explanatory text. It’s like having a personal baking class with a professional chef guiding you through each step of the funnel recipe.

Chapter 1: Elements (The Ingredients)

Imagine the Funnel Hacker's Cookbook as your secret kitchen cabinet stocked with all the essential ingredients for whipping up marketing magic. Chapter 1 unveils over 50 unique elements you'll use to craft high-converting sales funnels.

We're not just talking about text and pictures here. This cookbook gives me:

  • Compelling text blocks: The building blocks to craft persuasive headlines, captivating stories, and crystal-clear calls to action.
  • Eye-catching media: Videos and images designed to pique interest and keep visitors engaged.
  • Interactive elements: Forms to capture leads, countdown clocks to create urgency – tools that transform passive visitors into potential customers.
  • Order forms: Where the sale happens! Secure and streamlined forms to make the buying process a breeze.

The best part? ClickFunnels does the organizing for me! Elements are color-coded, making it super simple to find exactly what I need. The cookbook then guides me step-by-step on how to place and arrange everything on my funnel pages. This level of organization and instruction took the guesswork out of designing funnels that convert.

Chapter 2: Pages Recipes

Think of Chapter 2 as your guide to building the ultimate customer journey. The Funnel Hacker's Cookbook unveils 37 powerful funnel page recipes, each with a specific mission. It's like having a master chef reveal their secrets, one dish at a time!

With 10 distinct page categories, I always know the perfect recipe for every stage of the sales process. They include:

  • Presell pages: Survey, Article, Presell, Clickpop
  • Opt-in pages: Squeeze Page, Reverse Squeeze Page, Lead Magnet, Coupon
  • Thank You pages: Thank You Page, Share Page, Offer Wall, Bridge Page
  • Sales pages:  Sales Letter Page, Video Sales Page, Product Launch Page
  • OTO pages: Upsell & Downsell Page
  • Order Forms: Sales Letter Order, Two-Step Order Page, Video Sales Letter Order Page, Traditional Order Page Page, Product Launch Order Page.
  • Webinar pages: Webinar Registration Page, Webinar Confirmation Page, Webinar Broadcast Room, Webinar Replay Room.
  • Membership pages: Access Page, Member’s Area
  • Affiliate pages: Access Page, Affiliate Area
  • Other pages: Home Page, Application Page, Hangout Page, Ask Page, Hero Page, Live Demo Page, Store Front

Need to entice new leads? There's a recipe for that. Want to close a sale? There's a recipe for that, too.

Each type of funnel page serves a unique role in the sales process, prompting specific customer actions.

For instance, the different types of pages you can create include:

  • Reverse Squeeze Pages: Turn the traditional lead capture process on its head!
  • Bridge Pages: Smoothly connect ideas and offers for a seamless customer experience.
  • Webinar Registration Pages: Build hype and snag those sign-ups.
  • Long Form Sales Letters: enhance user engagement by providing detailed content
  • Two-Step Order Forms: simplify the checkout process and improve conversion rates
  • Squeeze Page: a landing page designed to capture email addresses from visitors

The Cookbook doesn't just give me blueprints; it teaches me how to adapt each recipe to my business's unique flavor. Think long-form sales letters for in-depth storytelling or two-step order forms for a frictionless buying experience.

No more staring at a blank screen!

The Funnel Hacker's Cookbook gave me a clear roadmap and tools to guide visitors through my funnels with intention, increasing engagement and conversions.

Chapter 3: Funnels Recipes

The only businesses I know that aren’t trying to generate leads or create customers are businesses that aren’t dying but are already dead. So unless your company is dead, you need a funnel. – Russell Brunson

The "Funnels" section is where the Funnel Hacker's Cookbook delivers the goods!

With 22 expertly crafted funnel blueprints, there's a solution for practically any business model you can imagine.

This isn't just theory. Each chapter dives deep into a specific funnel type, showing me how to tailor it to industries like e-commerce, brick-and-mortar retail, and even professional services.

It has been breakdown into four types:

  • Lead Funnels: My lead-generating powerhouses are designed to seamlessly capture potential customer information.
  • Buyer Funnels: Optimized to turn those leads into paying customers! I get strategies for selling products or services online.
  • Event Funnels: Build buzz and maximize attendance for webinars, launches, and other key events.
  • Other Funnels: Swiss-army knife funnels that adapt to different goals, whether lead generation or sales.

The Cookbook doesn't just hand me the funnels; it teaches me how to wield them effectively within my own business. It's personalized marketing made easy!

💡 Pro tip: Get the Dotcom Secrets book to learn all the strategies and tactics about the sales funnel.

Funnel Hacker's Cookbook Cost

Ready to Get Your Copy? The Funnel Hacker's Cookbook is available as a free download to get you started.

If you prefer a physical copy, you can also purchase one to have a handy reference guide by your side.

The hard copy requires a small printing, shipping, and handling cost. It costs you $19.95 in the US or $38.95 internationally.

Download The Book In Less Than 30 Seconds.

Step #1: Visit and click the button to sign up

Step #2: Click the left button to download the Funnel Hacker Cookbook pdf

The Secrets Trilogy Box Set

The secrets trilogy box set

It would be best to purchase The Secrets Trilogy Box Set together. The box set is available on the “order form bump” form.

Funnel hacker cookbook landing page design
Funnel Hacker's Cookbook sales page (physical version)

The Secrets Trilogy Box Set is a pack back include all Russell Brunson bestselling book. It costs you $97 plus $19.95 in the US or 29,95 Intl for shipping and handling.


Funnels hacker cookbook review bonus

When you get the Funnel Hacker’s Cookbook (both Digital and Hard Copy), you’ll receive series three video training from Russell Brunson:

  • Funnel Strategy
  • Page Recipes
  • and Funnel Recipes

In the video, Russell will teach you how to use the book correctly. He used giant Lego to show you how simple it is to build a sales funnel.

So make sure you don’t miss it!

My Recommendation

Funnel Hacker Cookbook is a great resource and tool you can keep on your desk over time and use everywhere, anytime you want.

To ensure better results, you must understand strategies and techniques for serving your customers and more people.

It would be best if you buy The Secrets Trilogy Box Set includes:

  • Dotcom Secrets
  • Expert Secrets
  • Traffic Secrets
  • Unlock The Secrets

Those books will help you understand tactics and strategies behind 7-8 figures businesses that generate million-dollar companies with sales funnels.

Then, this cookbook will give you all the ingredients you need to turn your ideas into reality, making creating high-converting funnels easier than ever.

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Key Nguyen

Key is the brainchild behind You’ll often find him analyzing conversion rates, tweaking landing pages, and exploring new marketing automation software. He loves to write about sales funnel building and is always tinkering with the latest conversion optimization techniques!