5 Steps to a Sales Funnel Report That Skyrockets Revenue

sales funnel report

Sales funnels are not set-and-forget tools. When tracked and managed properly, they will boost your sales considerably and help your company’s sales process function smoothly and effectively. 

Businesses always focus on creating a comprehensive sales funnel report to track their performance. Once you’ve mastered this skill, everything related to your success is under your control.

Today, we will cover everything you need to know about sales funnel reports.

Let’s follow us and learn the best ways to deal with sales metrics!

What Is A Sales Funnel Report?

sales funnel is the route you want customers to travel, from viewing your website to completing a purchase. There are four sales funnel stages: 

  • Awareness: The first stage is where customers first enter your funnel, giving them information about your products and services.
  • Interest: Once the customers have found your brand interesting, they will dig deeper into the funnel.
  • Decision: Potential customers start to consider buying your products or services.
  • Action: Customers make a purchase at this stage.

So, a sales funnel report helps you understand how potential customers discovered your business and what motivated them to proceed through the funnel stages. 

A funnel report tells you the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, the number of visitors entering the funnel, and conversion rates. 

Additionally, this report might give insight into how many leads you get and their transactions. As a result, you can come up with better methods to develop your contact-to-conversion sales pipeline.

Inbound Marketing

An inbound marketing report includes all marketing-related programs, such as SEO (Search Engine Optimization), advertising campaigns, webinars, content marketing, and many more.

You must choose the appropriate metrics before creating a report for your inbound marketing funnel.

It’s essential to follow the entire procedure and analyze the inbound marketing expenditure in relation to the volume of new leads and sales.

Outbound Marketing

You can find all the activities involved in sales processes, such as outreach by the sales team to the targeted audience or all forms of sales prospects in outbound reports.

You will start by compiling a set of prospects. You may either create them yourself, buy them, or use sophisticated software to make them automatically.

Types Of Funnel Reports

There are four main types of funnel reports, each serving a different purpose.

Goal Funnel

A goal funnel report gives you every detail about the entire process you anticipate customers to take to complete a non-transactional objective, such as downloading an ebook or registering for a subscription.

Sales Funnel

This report covers all the steps users should take to accomplish a transactional purpose, such as placing a purchase or buying a subscription. In this post, we will focus on this type.

Multi-Channel Goal Funnel

This report is similar to the goal funnel one, but it involves every marketing channel that matters in the conversion path.

Multi-Channel Sales Funnel

Like the multi-channel goal report, this report considers every aspect of a conversion route.

How To Create A Funnel Report?

There are only five steps to creating a sales funnel report. Follow each carefully and take some notes to pull it off.

Step 1: Create a Conversion Path

The sales process is lengthy. Hence, the first step to creating a sales funnel report is to identify the route the URL takes for each step in the process.

To specify these steps, you must enter all customer information, such as the number of users that access your website, the number of purchases, and every other piece of information.

Although this phase may seem overwhelming, you don’t need to worry because you may pick helpers like Google Analytics (GA). Simply syncing the data with the steps it relates to will do the trick.

Step 2: Define Data Variables

Once you’ve entered all the required info, set the variables to ensure you employ the most significant data.

These choices are available to you when setting up your variables:

  • Name: You may give your analysis whatever name you like to begin.
  • Date Range: You can customize the report to illustrate your sales funnel’s performance in the last 7, 10, 30, or 60 days. 
  • Segments: These variables enable you to evaluate the user behavior of various groups. By pressing the “+” button, you can either add a new segment or pick an available one.

Dimensions: Indicate the features that best reflect the user experience, such as the product category, transaction ID, user price plan, etc.

Step 3: Add Filters

You must limit each report by applying the required search filters to guarantee that it covers vital information. Then, you can see the sales funnel from a particular perspective for optimal accuracy. 

Some ideas to filter your sales funnel reports are:

  • Excluding the external traffic from the report.
  • Tracking the activities of the subdomains in a different site.
  • Making separate reports on the activities in different directories.

Step 4: Visualize The Funnel Report

Now, visualize the report after setting all the requirements. There are three options to select from:

  • Standard Funnel: This bar chart displays the number of website visitors who completed their objectives and who hasn’t. You just get a quick snapshot from the chart.
  • Trended Funnel: This line chart depicts how the user behaviors have changed.
  • Funnel Visualization: You can see how many customers progress to the next journey stage.

Step 5: Note Strengths and Weaknesses

You have a complete report on your sales funnel. Making notes on the conversion rates and other results might help you modify your marketing strategies for the future.

An easy-to-create conversion funnel report won’t puzzle you. However, it can take more expertise and work to comprehend and analyze it.

You may check the number of people who convert at the bottom of each section and the proportion of users who go on to the subsequent stage.

Funnel conversion rates and goal conversion rates are the two most important metrics to check: 

  • Funnel conversion rates illustrate the percentage of users that entered your funnel and finished with a specific objective.
  • Goal conversion rates show the percentage of visitors who achieved some of all goals built for them.

The sales funnel report details how many users met their goals and at what point they dropped. This figure enables you to look into why they left their carts behind.

Look at the sites these visitors accessed after leaving their carts to determine why and minimize your dropout rate. Users might return to the previous page or search for your FAQ or terms of service page.

You will have a far deeper understanding of why your sales process was successful or unsuccessful if you can pinpoint why visitors converted or did not.

Moreover, you may see any technical or performance issues that might have stopped you from progressing without your awareness. 

You can also come up with ideas to raise the conversion rates of your funnel.



sales funnel report is what sales leaders work with daily to improve their sales. 

Sales teams can take advantage of the tool to enhance their sales and marketing strategies. 

Funnel reporting is so crucial to your company. Hence, do not let the numbers discourage you. Instead, use them to make them better. 

Hopefully, funnel reporting will assist you in analyzing and adjusting your company’s plans effectively. Success is just a matter of time. 

Thank you for reading!

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Key Nguyen

Key is the brainchild behind Funnelsecrets.us. You’ll often find him analyzing conversion rates, tweaking landing pages, and exploring new marketing automation software. He loves to write about sales funnel building and is always tinkering with the latest conversion optimization techniques!