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Hey there, welcome to my Clickfunnels Vs Getresponse. Choosing between these two tools isn’t as tough as it seems.

You might have heard this before: 

“GetResponse is an Email Service Provider, and ClickFunnels is a sales funnel builder.”

Nowadays, that’s just not the case. With Getresponse, you can now build a complete sales funnel AND create email automation with Clickfunnels 2.0!

I spent 12 hours – yup, that’s right – 12 WHOLE hours testing features and comparing for ease of use. 

And here is a crazy thing… 

You can STEAL all of my hard work in less than 60 seconds!! 

I’m serious – This article shows everything you need to make the best decision for YOU.

Trust me, I’ve been there. You don’t want to pay around $150/month for something that you don’t need. Not when there are options out there, am I right?

So, let’s get started!

Clickfunnels Vs Getresponse: Which One Is Best For Me?

99% of people reading my article only need Getresponse.

But if you’re a stickler for quality and have the budget, Clickfunnels may be worth the investment for a top-notch experience.

Clickfunnels is a solid choice if you’re looking for advanced features and a flashy page builder, but it’s also pretty pricey and overkill for most people. I mean, do you really need all those extra features collecting dust? 

Getresponse, on the other hand, won’t break the bank and still offers a great sales funnel feature that gets results. Plus, it costs $59/month – 3X cheaper than Clickfunnels! 

And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love saving a bit of cash? 

Getresponse may not have all the bells and whistles of Clickfunnels, like a membership site, share funnel, or affiliate management features. But it’s a great choice for those just starting out or looking for a more affordable option.

Getresponse Vs Clickfunnels: Quick Overview

What Is Getresponse?

sales funnel software getresponse

Getresponse is the go-to email marketing software for businesses of all shapes and sizes! With its comprehensive suite of tools, Getresponse empowers you to craft killer email campaigns, design stun landing pages, streamline your workflow, and easily track your visitors’ behavior.

  • Save Time and Money: Getresponse is a perfect choice for those who need email marketing capabilities and want extra features (Webinars, landing page, website builder, etc.) – No need for multiple tools or subscriptions.
  • Beginner Friendly: GetResponse is super user-friendly, making it perfect for beginners and non-techies. Don’t worry about design or coding – you can quickly create amazing emails, landing pages, and automation workflows in no time!
  • Affordable: For just $19/month, you can create unlimited landing pages and email newsletters.

What Is Clickfunnels?

clickfunnels 2.0 homepage

Clickfunnels is the #1 sales funnel builder and automation tool that can help businesses of all sizes build, grow, and scale online businesses without any headaches.

By using Clickfunnels, you can save tons of time and effort in creating sales funnels, making your business more efficient than ever before.

  • #1 Funnel Builder: Proven templates and features to take your sales game to the next level.
  • All-In-One: Say goodbye to using multiple tools- ClickFunnels does it all! Manage your entire sales funnel, from creating landing pages, email marketing software, CRM, and affiliate management.
  • Trusted by the Pros: Industry-leading entrepreneurs (Grant Cardone, Peng Joon, Daymond John, etc.) and businesses have trusted ClickFunnels to help them drive conversions and increase revenue.

Clickfunnels Vs Getresponse: Feature Comparison

To give you the best overview, I’ll break down their key features so you can see which one is best for you. And if you’re short on time, I’ve got a handy table that sums it all up.

Landing Page Builder
Website Builder
Funnel Builder
Marketing Automation Plan
Membership Site
Affiliate Management
Pro Plan
Share Funnel
Pro Plan
Email Marketing
Upsell, Downsell, Crossell
Customer Center
Newsletter Templates
Lead Score
Live Chat
24/7 Support Access

Landing Page Builder

I used to waste hours on landing pages, moving stuff around like a maniac to make it look good. But now, there’s an easy solution. 

Use Clickfunnels or Getresponse to create your landing page lightning-fast. With drag-and-drop elements, it’s a no-brainer.

From my experience, the Clickfunnels page builder is robust, with more elements and customization than Getresponse.

They work differently, so let me show you how each tool work.

Getresponse’s Page Builder

Don’t stress about your design skills because Getresponse has got you covered! 

With over 200 professionally designed landing page templates, you can save time and still have a stunning design. I must say that I’m a huge fan of their modern and eye-catching templates.

getresponse landing page templates

You can use Getresponse to create:

  • Sign-up and Registration page
  • Promotion page
  • Download page
  • Sales page
  • About me
  • Thank You page
  • Webinar page

And other marketing pages

Getresponse page builder

Look at the pic above! Getresponse’s page builder is quite uninspired – I was expecting more. You can move things around by dragging and dropping them, but unfortunately, the element options are limited. 

Ultimately, a letdown if you ask me.

Clickfunnels’ Page Builder

Unlike Getresponse, you’ve more flexibility – drag-and-drop elements anywhere you want. With Clickfunnels, you’ll get to work with Sections, Rows & Columns, and Elements.

You easily turn from this.

clickfunnels section row element

To this

clickfunnels section row element 2

The template selection is a bit tight, but I think they will keep improving it. Trust me, Clickfunnels 1.0 had a ton of gorgeous landing page templates – so I’m confident we’re in for a treat with their newest version.


Finally, one of the biggest attractions of this tool is its collaboration feature, which lets you and your team work together on the same page simultaneously, just like Google Docs.

clickfunnels editor collaborate
Image Source – Clickfunnels

This means:

  • Get real-time updates from your teammates.
  • Get feedback and ideas from other team members in real-time
  • No more waiting around for responses and approvals – work faster and smarter!
  • Your sales funnel goes live fast

Winner: Clickfunnels

Both Clickfunnels and Getresponse are incredibly user-friendly, even for beginners. However, Clickfunnels truly stands out as the clear winner! Its drag-and-drop editor is so intuitive you can create functional landing pages with absolutely no design experience required! 

And that’s not all – Clickfunnels offers even more elements and customization options than Getresponse, making creating the perfect landing page for your needs easier.

Funnel Builder

Clickfunnels excels in the funnel-building aspect as well. The platform is specifically designed for creating well-structured sales funnels. 

It offers a smooth workflow, allowing you to create multiple funnel types, from lead generation to webinar sign-ups.

In contrast, Getresponse focuses more on email marketing, offering sales funnels but without the robust features, you’ll find with Clickfunnels.


To use the “Conversion Funnel” feature, you gotta upgrade to the Marketing Automation plan, but trust me, it’s a steal compared to other popular funnel builders out there. 

Get bang for your buck!

Conversion Funnel is INSANELY GORGEOUS. You can save 5 hours of funnel building with just a few clicks.

Let’s see how it works!

First, you must create the funnel’s name and set your goal:

  • Build a list
  • Sell a product
  • Promote a webinar
getresponse funnel builder

The next step is to select the lead magnet you want to offer. You can try the pre-designed lead magnets provided by Getresponse, or you can showcase your own creativity by uploading your own.

getresponse choose lead magnet

Afterward, Getresponse executes the steps to build a lead magnet funnel effortlessly. Trust me, it’s a lifesaver for beginners who are new to the concept of sales funnel structure.

getresponse lead magnet funnel

Getresponse presents everything in a visually appealing and user-friendly way. So no more getting lost or confused! 

You’ll love how easy it is to navigate and make the most out of it.

While it sounds great!

But you can’t customize your sales funnel steps. And let me tell you from personal experience, that can be a real bummer.


clickfunnels 2.0 visual automation funnel buider

When it comes to building funnels, Clickfunnels is a BEAST. It offers a super smooth workflow, allowing you to create any type of funnel stress-free. 

And let me tell you, it’s got some major advantages.

First off, you can split-test your pages and give different permissions to different team members. That means you can have some of your team edit your funnels while keeping others out.

But here’s where it gets really cool. Clickfunnels’ funnel builder supports conditional split paths. Basically, you can send your audience to a specific page variant based on certain conditions.

clickfunnels 2-0 workflow setting

It’s like having a smart funnel that knows exactly what to show and when.

For beginners, you can pick from a variety of workflow templates. Clickfunnels offers more types of sales funnels than Getresponse, so it’s perfect for any type of business in any scenario.

And the best part? You can customize it exactly the way you want.

Trust me, this feature alone takes Clickfunnels to a whole new level. It’s smarter and way more effective than anything you’ve seen.

Winner: Clickfunnels got all you need to rock your funnel game.

A/B Testing

When it comes to A/B testing, Getresponse totally beats Clickfunnels. With Getresponse, you can test subject lines, headlines, and forms. Clickfunnels does offer A/B testing features, but they’re quite limited. 

Getresponse’s comprehensive testing options have helped me optimize my campaigns like a boss.


getresponse landing page variation

For landing pages, you can test out up to 10 different design options under the same URL.

They will randomly direct visitors to each variant and show you which one gets you more subscribers.

It’s like having a secret weapon to boost your sign-ups!

Once you’re done testing, head over to Manage landing pages and check out the stats. Just click the A/B icon on the landing page, and BAM! 

On the right side of the screen, you’ll find the sign-up ratio. No more scrolling or searching, it’s right there!

Oh, and remember the winner? The most successful variant? You can publish it with just a click! Look for the Actions icon (vertical ellipsis) and tap it. Watch the trophy icon appear next to it.

getresponse ab test result

It’s like winning a prize, right? 

And don’t worry! The other variants will be automatically disabled.


For email marketing, Getresponse offers you two types of A/B tests. You can put the Subject line (up to 5 variants for one A/B test) or the Message content to the test.

getresponse email subject line test

Next, you can choose the size of your testing group, the winning factors (open rate or click rate), and the test duration. After the test end, Getresponse gives you a snappy summary of your test group.

getresponse email ab testing

You’ll be amazed at the results!


You have full control over the split test ratio for your landing pages. That means you can fine-tune how much traffic goes to each variant and boost your results.

clickfunnels 2.0 sales funnel stats
Image Source – Clickfunnels

Just imagine your page already has a good conversion rate, but you want to take it to the next level with a split test.

Using a 50-50 traffic distribution may not be ideal in this case. By taking charge and controlling the traffic flow, you can minimize any potential negative impacts on your performance.

For email marketing, you split-test the workflow, just like testing the landing page. However, in my experience, it’s pretty basic and not nearly as powerful as Getresponse.

Winner: GetResponse is the clear winner. It’s straightforward, powerful, and delivers results.

You can test up to five elements simultaneously, gaining valuable insights into what works best. Say goodbye to running multiple tests.

Website Builder

I absolutely LOVE Wordpress, so I never bother with Clickfunnels or Getresponse to build my website. Sure, those tools have some great features, but let’s be real; they lack the flexibility and freedom I crave.

Frankly, the websites created using Getresponse and Clickfunnels are just too basic for my taste. For beginners, I highly recommend you use Getresponse to build your website over Clickfunnels.


One thing that really caught my attention is the wide range of stunning predesigned website templates they offer.

getresponse website templates

Whether you’re running a small business, a startup, or even a personal blog, Getresponse has covered you with templates tailored to your needs.

This means you can easily create a professional and eye-catching website without any hassle. How cool is that?

Personally, I was thrilled with the sleek and user-friendly page editor UI. The clean design and intuitive drag-and-drop editor allowed me to customize my favorite website effortlessly without any hassle.

getresponse website builder

Although it may not be as feature-rich as popular WordPress plugins like Elementor or Thrive Architect, it still provides enough power and functionality to create a visually captivating website that drives sales.

Still not convinced?

Welcome to Getresponse AI. Simply answer a few straightforward questions about your business, pick your favorite color theme and BOOM!

getresponse website builder AI
Answer a few questions.
getresponse website builder AI 2
Pick your favorite color scheme.

Your personalized website is good to go.

getresponse website builder AI 3

Say goodbye to complicated setups and say hello to a hassle-free website-building experience.

CLICK HERE to get your demo


Clickfunnels offers a broader array of elements than Getresponse. Nevertheless, Clickfunnels may not be fully prepared for the market now. 

Although they offer website templates, the options available are quite limited.

clickfunnels website template

Winner: Getresponse

With Getresponse, you can effortlessly build a beautiful website that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Automation & Segmentation

Both Clickfunnels and Getresponse have marketing automation tools. They have everything you need to launch your successful campaign:

  • Autoresponder
  • Welcome subscriber email series
  • Invite people to a webinar
  • Workflow Builder
  • Cart Abandoned
  • Tag Addition

But here’s the thing – Getresponse does everything Clickfunnels does but with even more awesomeness.

First, Getresponse goes above and beyond with its arsenal of professional email and workflow templates, surpassing any Clickfunnels offers.

Getresponse offers a whopping 200+ email templates, giving you many options to jazz up your emails.

getresponse email templates

On the other hand, Clickfunnels does have some email templates, but it can’t quite match up to the variety you’ll find with Getresponse.

clickfunnels email templates

Next, with the power of Getresponse’s AI, you can effortlessly create captivating emails and test up to 5 different subject line variations. Imagine the time and effort you’ll save while still getting top-notch results.

getresponse AI email generator

Finally, I absolutely love Getresponse’s amazing feature that allows me to set up a killer drip emailing sequence effortlessly. With its super handy calendar view, the intuitive Autoresponder tool makes the whole process a breeze.

getresponse autoresponder calendar view

Winner: Getresponse clearly outshines ClickFunnels when it comes to email marketing automation.

Third-Party Integrations

Both GetResponse and ClickFunnels offer integrations with popular third-party services, such as Zapier, Payment Software, or CRM. 

However, GetResponse is crushing it with its impressive integration list and full browser compatibility, making it the more flexible of the two options. 

Although ClickFunnels offers integrations with third-party services, GetResponse covers more ground, ensuring the tools you favor are viable options. 

It’s always essential to have a reliable platform that includes all your favorite 3rd party services, am I right?

Aside from integrations, GetResponse is also compatible with popular browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge Chrome, and Safari. It offers a plugin for PrestaShop and can be connected to Gmail, WordPress, and websites using the Web Connect code.

I have personally used GetResponse, and trust me, it provides a seamless experience that’s tough to beat. Not only that, but it also saves my time and effort so that I can focus more on my business.

Winner: Getresponse

They absolutely lead the pack with a larger number of integrations and browser compatibility. Trust me, as someone who has worked with both GetResponse and ClickFunnels, I can tell you that GetResponse’s more extensive list of integrations makes it an incredibly flexible platform for any business looking to streamline its marketing efforts.

Pro tip: Make sure to check out 3rd party software on Getresponse and Clickfunnels integration pages first. Even if a platform offers dozens of tool integrations, it won’t matter if your favorite tools aren’t on the list.

Clickfunnels Vs Getresponse: Customer Support

GetResponse offers 24/7 live online chat and email support in 8 languages, ensuring that users can receive assistance whenever needed. In addition, GetResponse provides self-service support and a dedicated 24/7 customer success team, making it an excellent choice for businesses requiring ongoing support.

ClickFunnels only support via email. This may not be ideal for businesses requiring immediate assistance or those who prefer live chat support.

Winner: GetResponse is the clear winner with its extensive support options and dedicated customer success team. ClickFunnels, while offering some support options, falls short compared to GetResponse’s comprehensive support offerings.

What You Get With Clickfunnels But Don’t Get With Getresponse?

1. Membership Site/ Course Creator

With Clickfunnels, you’ll be amazed at how quick and easy it is to set up a membership site and publish your course, no matter your experience level.

Oh, and did you know that you can generate recurring revenues with different pricing tiers? That’s right – subscription plans all the way! 

Plus, the templates provided are perfect for building and SELLING your course in a snap.

And don’t sweat it – you can schedule, drip your content, manage user enrollment, and modify their access without losing your hair. (I’m joking)

2. Customer Center

So you’re a course creator, right? Then you definitely wanna hear this! 

Before Clickfunnels, students had to bookmark every single login page URL for every course they took.

Can you imagine if you have 10 courses? Sounds like a whole lot of inconvenience for your students, right? 

But guess what! 

With the Clickfunnels Customer Center feature, your customers get all your content in one place, so no more scrambling around trying to find your stuff. The feature lets them access all your courses, products, updates, and more without any fuss!

3. Affiliate Management

You won’t believe the traffic, leads, and sales a successful affiliate program can bring in.

With Clickfunnels (Pro plan), you can let an army of affiliates promote your products and services and watch your business grow and scale like never before.

Creating your affiliate center, setting up commissions, tracking performance, and paying your affiliates have never been easier. You don’t even have to be a pro at everything! Trust me, Clickfunnels makes it absolutely effortless.

4. Share Funnel

Clickfunnels “Share Funnel” is the bomb-diggity! I’m telling you, it’s my absolute favorite feature! 

It’s super easy, you just click, and wham! Your whole funnel is shared with your friends. 

If you run a funnel agency, or even if you’re just outsourcing the funnel building, they can share it with you in a jiffy. 

Here’s the kicker – no need for them to access your account! It’s super secure and ultra-convenient. You’ll have the entire funnel, images, and product mockups included! 

Give it a try, and thank me later 😉

What You Get With Getresponse But Don’t Get With Clickfunnels?

1. Webinar Feature

Say goodbye to using pricey third-party software like Zoom or GoTo Webinar because GetResponse has covered you! 

You can save time, effort, and, most importantly, money! 

But that’s not all! GetResponse’s beginner-friendly interface makes creating customized webinars a breeze. 

And the cherry on top?

You’ve got all the tools you need to make an unforgettable webinar experience: 

  • Interactive whiteboards
  • Screen sharing
  • Live chat
  • Q&A sessions
  • Moderated chat
  • And multiple hosts. 

But wait, there’s more! 

Your webinars don’t just spark conversation – they’re a great opportunity to sell your products directly to your audience. 

Even though GetResponse’s webinar feature may not be as advanced as other software, it’s still the best option for small businesses. I can vouch for that! 

With its unbeatable blend of affordability, efficiency, and interface, GetResponse is the way to go.

2. Contact Scoring

GetResponse lets you give scores to your contacts. This score is based on how engaged they are and their behavior, which helps you find which leads are sales qualified. That alone saves you time and energy. 

Now, imagine all the powerful things you could do with this information. You can create distinct emails for people in different scenarios, making them personalized and more likely to get results. 

Listen, not all leads are created equally – you want to spend your time and energy on the best ones. Using lead scoring will cut down your workload in half, giving you more time to focus on what you’re passionate about.

Psst… Clickfunnels has this feature too in their 1.0 version (Actionetic Plan), but it’s not yet available in Clickfunnels 2.0. I think they might add it in the future, but Getresponse has got you covered right now.

3. AI Email Generator

Writing emails can be such a pain sometimes.

But guess what? 

Getresponse AI Email Generator saved me SO much time and hassle with my first drafts. Everything I should do is:

  • Define email goal
  • Set the tone
  • Choose the design
  • BAM – The email is ready,

And if you’re like me, not a natural copywriter, this tool will be your lifesaver when it comes to generating emails. Not only is it a breeze to use, but it’s also super quick and will help you create an email that really packs a punch.

Plus, even if you’re already experienced, it’s still handy as a template that will save you time and is super easy to edit.

Geresponse AI Email is built on the powerful GTP 3.5, but here’s the thing, you’ll never stress about a “Prompt” like with other chat GPTs. They’ve already customized it to be ultra-user-friendly! 

So, Give it a try here, and you won’t be disappointed!

Pricing: The Big Reason To Choose Getresponse

Clickfunnels is top-notch. 

BUT (oh, there’s always a but), let’s be real – It’s expensive. 

You might not get that when first checking the price for these tools.  Here’s how much you’ll pay on Clickfunnels:

clickfunnels 2.0 pricing

For instance, if you want to create your own affiliate program, build more sales funnel, or share the funnel with or share it with your bros? Then the “Pro plan” is where it’s at! But seriously, who wants to spend $147 per month for just 20 funnels? 

And here’s how much Getresponse costs

getresponse price plans

Getresponse pricing based on the number of contacts you want to connect with. The more popular you are, the more you pay. But even if you choose the “Marketing Automation Plan” with 10,000 contacts, GetResponse is STILL cheaper than ClickFunnels.

Getresponse pricing 10k contacts - 1

Winner: Getresponse is definitely a lot cheaper than Clickfunnels for small to medium contact sizes.

Conclusion: Clickfunnels Or Getresponse

If you’ve got less than 25,000 contacts and are not a coach or course creator, GetResponse is the BOMB. It’s so straightforward and simple to use, you’ll be making sales and generating new leads in no time.

Clickfunnels take you months just to learn the ropes, and guess what? You’ll still cough up nearly $200 monthly for features you won’t use. 

With GetResponse, you’ll have everything you need in one affordable package starting at just $59/month (Marketing Automation Plan). No need to pay extra for Pro features you don’t need. 

Do you a WordPress user? 

Then it gets even better you can pay just $299 a year for Thrive Suite plus $19 a month for GetResponse. It’s the perfect combo for solo entrepreneurs and small business owners looking to generate leads, automate emails, and create simple sales funnels. 

But if you’ve got a massive following and you’re looking for an all-in-one solution, then ClickFunnels is your go-to.

Key logo funnel secrets


Key Nguyen

Key is the brainchild behind You’ll often find him analyzing conversion rates, tweaking landing pages, and exploring new marketing automation software. He loves to write about sales funnel building and is always tinkering with the latest conversion optimization techniques!