What is Sales Letter Funnel: Step-by-step guide

Sales Letter Funnel Funnel hacker cookbook review Buyer Funnel

Sales Letter funnel is one of top 22 funnels in Funnel hacker cookbook. This funnel can help you sell the product or service up front. The sales letter sells your front end product, and then you have up-sells and down sells immediately after the main offer to increase the average cart value.

So if you want to learn more about Sales letter funnel and get all top 22 funnel recipes, you can get Funnel hacker cookbook for FREE. And today, we’re going to learn what is sales letter funnel and how it works

Let get started!

What is sales letter funnel?

sales letter funnel - conversion funnel

This is a sales letter funnel. The way it works is on the first page, you have a traditional long-form sales letter selling your product or service. Then in the bottom of the page, you have an order form or something to put in their credit card information.

If they buy that and then you take them to an upsell page or an OTO (one-time-offer page) we let them buy another

product or service. You can have one-click upsell.  So they click one button and it’ll build their credit card. If they

say no to that you can offer them down sell, which may be the down sells a payment plan.

Or if you’re selling physical products: Sell a digital product – a digital version on the down sell. And it’s never taken to the offer wall which is the thank-you page where you link them to their order.

And then from there, you push them out to the other products and services that you have to offer.

How to Use the sales letter funnel in Your Business

If I was selling as an author/speaker/coach/consultant…I’d use this funnel to sell an introductory product and tell the story of how I got into my industry.

I’d upsell a higher-ticket info product. My down sell would be the same thing but with a payment plan.

If I was selling in e-commerce… I’d use this funnel to tell the story around a customer using my product or how / why we created it.

My one-time-offers could include other complementary products and services.

If I was selling Business-to-Business… I’d use this funnel to tell the story of the founder and the early epiphanies and trials that were involved in the company’s main product or service and then sell that thing to them through the sales letter.

I would then upsell them other complementary services.

If I was selling in the network or affiliate marketing…I’d use this funnel to tell the story behind the main front-end product, and then make them a special offer in the letter.

I could then possibly upsell other products in the product line or try to get them to become a distributor.

If I was selling my professional services…I’d find out why people go to my competitors instead of me, then I’d write a story that included false beliefs potential customers have about my business.

I’d offer my main service on the first page, a membership program as the upsell. Then a $10 coupon if they book their follow up session with me before they leave.

If I was selling in a retail / Brick & Mortar Business…With emotion, I’d briefly write the story of why I got into my brick and mortar business and then create an offer for them.

My upsells would include another higher ticket item. And the down sell would be a payment plan version of the same. My offer wall would include special walk-in coupons.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about strategy about how sells letter funnel works. Make sure to check out the funnel hacker cookbook.

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Before You Leave Read More Other Buyer Funnel Here:

Daily Deal Funnel

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Key Nguyen

Key is the brainchild behind Funnelsecrets.us. You’ll often find him analyzing conversion rates, tweaking landing pages, and exploring new marketing automation software. He loves to write about sales funnel building and is always tinkering with the latest conversion optimization techniques!